Sunday, 13 February 2011

Sewing Sunday

I have been promising myself a sewing Sunday for a while.  Since I started my new running training schedule I usually go for a long run on Sunday and then I don't have enough time for sewing.  I had this wonderful peice of printed chiffon in the stash inherited from my nan.  Inspired by the pattern, and some tops that I have seen in the shops, I wanted to make a simple tunic.  A complicated design would have ruined the pattern and made everything far too busy.
I used to subscribe to a magazine that gave free patterns, and I got this tunic pattern years ago.  It's very simple and I have made it at least five times now in different lengths, with different sleeves and necklines.  This time I am putting on the tie neck as shown in the picture and I'm doing a long sleeved version.  I won't put the slits up the side of the tunic.
The material was cut..
and pinned and tacked and sewing commenced.
Millie posed for a fitting

 The neck tie was finished by hand and I put elastic through the cuffs to draw them in at the wrist.  I tried putting on a proper cuff, but it looked wrong with the pattern.  

Here's me wearing the top. 

It need's to be properly pressed and I'm planning to wear it next week at daughter's birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I like your Sewing Sunday idea. Have you clicked over to to see all the great sewing projects, tips and tutorials over there?
