Friday, 8 October 2010

Everyone else is more sure than I am

Well I'm not sure how to put this, but I started an Etsy shop. I'm not quite sure what has pocessed me to do this right now, and as you can tell from this blog I am far from certain about the whole thing. I know I should be more positive, but I'm not quite sure that the world is ready for me or perhaps I'm not ready for the world. However I have been talking about selling bags for over three years and I have sold my bags before, but only to people I know. But everyone has more or less told me to stop procrastinating and get on with doing it.

The first three items are listed - all upcycled bags. I'm not sure that they will sell on Etsy (I'm still having problems with the pictures), but several people I work with are interested in them. Tomorrow I start on my real designs. I am going to take the three designs that over the years have been most popular and make several colourways in each.

Anyway without further ado here are some images of the first three items.

Before I forget, my Etsy shop is called BuckinghamGirl


  1. Wishing you oodles and oodles of luck Mary xxx Youre a clever lady, so success will be just around the corner! I think the secret to Etsy is to keep listing, just one product at a time, but every few days...

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Ren. Posting every few days is certainly about as much as I will manage.
